DragonBall Online Global | The story of DBO
The end of DBO began on September 26th of 2013, with the shutdown of the KR version. The TW and HK versions eventually followed suit and the developer company NTL ceased to exist.
DBO - Wikipedia
DBO may refer to: Database owner (SQL). Dragon Ball Online. D-Bo (born 1978), German rapper. Daulat Beg Oldi. DBO Energy, an independent Brazilian Oil & Gas company, focused on mature, producing fields. DB Oil Fund, run by Invesco PowerShares. Dubbo City Regional Airport.
Dbo - Это... Что Такое Dbo?
DBO — steht für: Defined Benefit Obligation, der Wert einer Verpflichtung aus betrieblicher Altersversorgung nach der Projected Unit Credit Method Dreifache Beckenosteotomie Database...