explorer.exe Windows process - What is it?
The explorer.exe process is part of Windows Explorer of Microsoft. Here are further details of explorer.exe, and whether it might be a virus or spyware.
Is explorer.exe safe? How to remove a explorer error?
explorer.exe often causes problems but is important for Windows 10/8/7/XP. Click here to know how to avoid errors and how to remove the Virus version.
What is Explorer.exe?
Explorer.exe is an executable file for the process called Windows Explorer and can be found on all Explorer.exe is located in C:\Windows folder and its sizes range from 1,0321,292 bytes to 3,194,368...
Explorer.exe Malware | How to Remove the Explorer.exe virus from PC
The explorer.exe file size ranging from ranging from 1,0321,292 bytes to 3,194,368 bytes. Cyber criminals write the malware program and name it as explorer.exe to spread via interent.