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Prototype on your desktop with the Voltera V-One PCB Printer. The V-One was designed to withstand the chaos of an electronics lab while being incredibly easy to use.
Voltera V-One | Voltera
The Voltera V-One brings quick turn PCBs to your desktop. Import your Gerber file into the Voltera software, press print, and the V-One will bring your board to life.
Voltera - Home | Facebook
Voltera, Kitchener, Ontario. 7.2K likes · 81 talking about this. Voltera's printer enables circuit boards to be prototyped within hours, eliminating the...
Hands On With The Voltera V-One PCB Printer | Hackaday
The Voltera V-One isn't quite at that level of sophistication, but it isn't too far from it. One thing that is obvious is that the machine does need your help. In addition to aligning holes, you'll need to install...
Voltera V-One
The Voltera V-One brings quick turn PCBs to your desktop. Import your Gerber file into the Voltera software, press print, and the V-One will bring your board to life.
Voltera V-One review - 3D printer
The Voltera V-One enables circuit boards to be prototyped within minutes, eliminating the frustrations with traditional fabrication processes and drastically reducing hardware development time.
Voltera: Your Circuit Board Prototyping Machine by... — Kickstarter
Voltera is raising funds for Voltera: Your Circuit Board Prototyping Machine on Kickstarter! Print your circuit boards, dispense solder paste, and reflow! The Voltera V-One lets you go from concept to...
Voltera (@voltera_io) | Твиттер
Последние твиты от Voltera (@voltera_io). Voltera's circuit board printer eliminates the frustrations with current fabrication methods, drastically reduces development time. Kitchener, Ontario.
The Voltera V-One Makes Circuit Boards In Minutes - TechCrunch
"The Voltera V-One goes beyond printing single layer circuits on paper. We're the first to be able to print two layer circuits onto FR4 (the industry standard substrate) with a product of this size and cost.
Voltera V-One 3D Circuit Board Printer Launches on Kickstarter...
Today Voltera has launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to raise $70,000 for the production of the Voltera V-One All-In-One Circuit board prototyping machine.