Home - The A11Y Project
The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier. ✊🏾 The A11Y Project supports the Black community and the Black Lives Matter movement.
GitHub - addyosmani/a11y: Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta)
Contribute to addyosmani/a11y development by creating an account on GitHub. Download PhantomJS manually and reinstall a11y if that happens.
a11y - npm
$ a11y todomvc.com google.com. Example. Also works fine against localhost $ a11y --delay=5. Useful when the site does things after load that you want to capture.
What is a11y?
Also referred to as "A11y" and "A11Y," a11y is an abbreviation for "accessibility" that is more compact for the a11y as a Movement, Not Just an Abbreviation. a11y does not refer to a specific standard...
a11y - Accessibility Audits For The Web
A11y Command-line Tools. Web accessibility audits powered by the Chrome Accessibility Developer The A11y Command-line Tools assist in discovering common web accessibility issues, such as...
Digital Experiences Accessibility (a11y) | by Andrii Rusakov | Medium
That's great when inclusive design and a11y principles lay down in the product basis from the early beginning. But how to approach in cases of skipped a11y and remediate consequences?
A11y 2020 - Website | Facebook - 1 Photo
A11y 2020 is a blog about future technology trends and accessibility. A11y comes from the word Accessibility using the first and...
What is Accessibility (a11y)? - Definition from Techopedia
Accessibility (a11y) is a measure of how accessible a computer system is to all people, including those with disabilities or impairments. It concerns both software and hardware and how they are configured...
A11y Online (@A11yOnline) | Твиттер
Последние твиты от A11y Online (@A11yOnline). The online accessibility meetup, presented by @Test42Official #accessibility #A11yOnline.
Mobile A11y
Mobile A11y. Mobile A11y is a collection of blogs and resources about how we as mobile developers can improve accessibility on mobile devices.
A11Y Style Guide
A11Y Style Guide. Red badge reading 'A11Y' positioned above red text reading 'style guide'.
a11y - Wiktionary
Numeronym presenting accessibility as "a" followed by 11 more letters, followed by "y". a11y (uncountable). (software engineering) Abbreviation of accessibility. Coordinate terms: g11n, i18n, L10n, m17n, p13n. Accessibility on Wikipedia.Wikipedia.
Accessibility | Angular Material | Overview for a11y
Overview for a11y. include cdk-a11y(); link Hiding elements in an accessible way. By default, screen readers and other assistive technology will skip elements that have display: none, visibility: hidden, etc.
The A11Y Collective online courses on Web Accessibility
Are you curious about what the A11Y Collective has to offer to you? Then enroll in this Try-out Class It's free and it is awesome! The A11Y Collective could be your new home base for all there is to know...