Arslan (Раиль Арсланов) | Вконтакте
Arslan (Арслан) - это артист, автор песен из Казани. ARSLAN (Раиль Арсланов). ПРЕМЬЕРА ТРЕКА "Скоро повезёт".
Arslan - Wikipedia
Arslan is a Turkic and masculine given name and surname used mainly from Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean to Siberia , Pakistan and Western China, which is translated as lion. The names Arıslan and Aslan are other variants of the form Arslan.
Arslan | The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki | Fandom
Arslan (アルスラーンArusurān?) is the protagonist of the novel series, The Heroic Legend of Arslan . He is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Pars , and the leader of the resistance against the invasion of the Empire of Lusitania .