Abstract Window Toolkit - Wikipedia
The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-dependent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit, preceding Swing. The AWT is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) — the standard API for providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for a Java program.
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Instruments MSE muzey awt N-Biotek Nikon Nordantec GmbH OpenScience Orka Food Technology Perlong PHCBI (бывш.
Java AWT tutorial for beginners
AWT stands for Abstract Window Toolkit. It is a platform dependent API for creating Graphical Why AWT is platform dependent? Java AWT calls native platform (Operating systems) subroutine for...
java.awt (Java Platform SE 7 )
Thrown when a serious Abstract Window Toolkit error has occurred. Package java.awt Description. Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images.
AWT Tutorial - Tutorialspoint
AWT Useful Resources. AWT - Quick Guide. In this article we'll look in AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit). Audience. This tutorial is designed for Software Professionals who are willing to learn JAVA...
Urban Dictionary: AWT
awt. Its kinda like oh oh oh. or, HEY! or, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? or.. Awt! Kyle said that Danny liked Kayla while we were going out!
Home - Association of Water Technologies
The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) is the international water treatment association representing over 500 companies that specialize in applying water treatments for industrial and...
What does AWT stand for?
'Abstract Windowing Toolkit' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most What does AWT mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym...
AWT Group
The AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) provides an interface between a Java application and a native windowing system. AWT comprises the event handling system as well as a set of...
AWT started with a modest asset base and high ambitions. Today, after 50 years of investments in various fields, we stand out amongst the business leaders.
Java Swings/AWT - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
AWT stands for Abstract Windowing Toolkit. Prior to Swing, AWT was used to develop GUI and rich client interface, but AWT had one major problem. AWT was platform dependent, which means a program written in AWT behaves differently in different platforms.
AWT Global - Advanced Wireless Technology
AWT Global offers State-of-the-Art RF and Microwave Technology. Our products are used globally, in telecommunication, telemetry, test & measurement markets and defense.
AWT Controls - Core java tutorial for beginners
In this article we will look at how to create and work with various AWT controls available in the java.awt package along with sample code. We can add and remove controls to a Container like Applet and...
Java AWT Controls | Structure of Java AWT Controls
Java AWT controls are the controls that are used to design graphical user interfaces or web applications. The structure of the AWT is quite simple and it is used extensively in programs.
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Двигатель 1.8T AWT Volkswagen Passat B5. AWT. ОГ. EU-4 (EU-2).