How to do a git commit with a subject line and... - Stack Overflow
git commit -m "this is the subject" -m "this is the body". Using -m multiple times in the command line concatenates the messages as separate paragraphs (separated by an empty line).
How to Write a Git Commit Message | 3. Capitalize the subject line
Keeping subject lines at this length ensures that they are readable, and forces the author to think for a moment about the most concise way to explain what's But it's perfect for Git commit subject lines.
Git Commit Message Standard · GitHub | Subject and Body
Commit messages must have a subject line and may have body copy. These must be separated by a blank line. The subject line must not exceed 50 characters.
How to Write Good Commit Messages: A Practical Git Guide
The commit command is used to save changes to a local repository after staging in Git. Before now, I only used git commit -m "Fix X to allow Y to use Z" on my personal projects with just a subject and...
Как писать сообщения коммитов в Git | by Repushko Anton | Medium
subject of the commit and the rest of the text as the body. and `rebase` can get confused if you run the two together. Explain the problem that this commit is solving.
Git - git-commit Documentation
The commit message will be the subject line from the specified commit with a prefix of "fixup! Construct a commit message for use with rebase --autosquash. The commit message subject line is...
Gerrit/Commit message guidelines - MediaWiki
The commit message of your change plays an important role. It is first thing other people will see about your change. component: Short subject line More details. The blank line between the subject and body is mandatory.