ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript linter
ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. ESLint is built into most text editors and you can run ESLint as part of your continuous integration pipeline.
GitHub - eslint/eslint: Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
Contribute to eslint/eslint development by creating an account on GitHub.
ESLint - Wikipedia
ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code. It was created by Nicholas C. Zakas in 2013. Rules in ESLint are configurable, and customized rules can be defined and loaded. ESLint covers both code quality and coding style issues.
eslint - npm
No, ESLint does both traditional linting (looking for problematic patterns) and style checking Why can't ESLint find my plugins? Make sure your plugins (and ESLint) are both in your project's...
ESLint - Visual Studio Marketplace
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
ESLint—IntelliJ IDEA
Configure ESLint automatically. With automatic configuration, IntelliJ IDEA uses the ESLint If you have several package.json files with ESLint listed as a dependency, IntelliJ IDEA starts a separate...
User Guide | eslint-plugin-vue
Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js. You have to configure the eslint.validate option of the extension to check .vue files, because the extension targets only *.js or *.jsx files by default.
ESLint - Open Collective
ESLint is an open source project that helps developers find and fix problems with their JavaScript code. This collective supports the team that is developing ESLint.
Keep your code clean with ESLint
ESLint will help you catch those errors. Which errors in particular you ask? ESLint is very flexible and configurable, and you can choose which rules you want to check for, or which kind of style you...
javascript - How to run eslint --fix from npm script - Stack Overflow
I did try "lint-fix": "eslint --fix --ext .js,.vue src test/unit/specs test/e2e/specs" but it is throwing my errors but not fixing them. What do I have to change? The error from NPM is
How To Lint and Format Code with ESLint in Visual... | DigitalOcean
ESLint is a linter that you can integrate into your Visual Studio Code setup in order to ensure code In this tutorial, you will set up ESLint on Visual Studio Code and implement a custom configuration to...
How to setup ESLint and Prettier on Node - SourceLevel
In this article, I explain how to set up and configure ESLint and Prettier for a Node application. First, I list the requirements. Then I show step by step how to create a hello world project using the Restify...
Autofix and format your JavaScript with ESLint - IBM Developer
ESLint provides checks for a large set of potential errors and style violations. Its pluggable architecture also enables anyone to write their own rules and custom configurations.
How to use ESLint with TypeScript | Khalil Stemmler
ESLint is a JavaScript linter that you can use to lint either TypeScript or JavaScript code. ESLint is a JavaScript linter that enables you to enforce a set of style, formatting, and coding standards for your...
How to Setup ESLint and Prettier for Your React Apps
Basically, ESLint parses your code, analyses it, and runs linting rules. These rules may trigger Indeed, if you install it globally, you could make ESLint clashing with your other projects or with other...