Core Language (GLSL) - OpenGL Wiki
The OpenGL Shading Language is a C-style language, so it covers most of the features you would expect with such a language. Control structures (for-loops, if-else statements, etc) exist in GLSL, including the switch statement.
OpenGL Shading Language - Wikipedia
OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) is a high-level shading language with a syntax based on the C programming language. It was created by the OpenGL ARB (OpenGL Architecture Review Board) to give developers more direct control of the graphics pipeline without having to use ARB assembly...
Glsl Шейдеры - Разработка Игр | Mdn
GLSL выполняется напрямую графическим процессором. The purpose of the fragment shader is to set up the gl_FragColor variable. gl_FragColor is a built-in GLSL variable like gl_Position.
LearnOpenGL - Advanced GLSL
GLSL's built-in variables. Shaders are extremely pipelined, if we need data from any other source We'll discuss a few interesting built-in input and output variables that are built-in in GLSL and explain...
GitHub - KhronosGroup/GLSL: GLSL Shading Language Issue Tracker
Contribute to KhronosGroup/GLSL development by creating an account on GitHub.
GLSL-to-HLSL reference - UWP applications | Microsoft Docs
Porting GLSL variables to HLSL. In GLSL, you apply modifiers (qualifiers) to a global shader variable declaration to give that variable a specific behavior in your shaders. In HLSL, you don't need these...
NeHe Productions: GLSL: An Introduction
GLSL (GLslang) is a short term for the official OpenGL Shading Language. GLSL is a C/C++ similar high level programming language for several parts of the graphic card. With GLSL you can code (right...
What is the difference between opengl and GLSL? - Stack Overflow
GLSL is a higher-level language that can be compiled and run on graphics hardware. So to sum it all As also covered by Mattsills answer GL Shader Language or GLSL is a part of OpenGL that enables...
A good way to learn GLSL is to download those example and modify it, do your own "experiments"! You should also download the official GLSL language specification.
Shaderific - GLSL Functions
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This project contains samples, trial programs, tests, evaluations for OpenGL Shading Language. Specifically created for OpenGL 4.0 GLSL 4.0 ownwards. The code is Qt embedded.
OpenGL Shading Language glsl. English. limit my search to r/glsl. use the following search parameters to narrow your results
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GLSL Shader programs - Unity Manual
GLSL Shader programs. Shader variants and keywords. Shading language used in Unity. If you want to sample external textures in GLSL shaders, use textureExternal/textureProjExternal calls instead of...