Initial ramdisk - Wikipedia
In computing (specifically as regards Linux computing), initrd (initial ramdisk) is a scheme for loading a temporary root file system into memory, which may be used as part of the Linux startup process. initrd and initramfs refer to two different methods of achieving this.
Using the initial RAM disk (initrd) — The Linux Kernel documentation
Using the initial RAM disk (initrd)¶. Written 1996,2000 by Werner Almesberger <> and Hans Lermen <>.
Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview - IBM Developer
The initrd contains a minimal set of directories and executables to achieve this, such as the insmod tool to install kernel modules into the kernel. In the case of desktop or server Linux systems, the initrd is a...
Initrd - Debian Wiki
initrd provides the capability to load a RAM disk by the boot loader. The typical Debian user should not care about the initrd because it is created automatically at kernel image'd post-installation time.
What is Initrd Image? How to Create Initrd Image in Linux
The initrd (initial ramdisk) plays a very significant role in booting up the system. This tutorial discusses initrd ramdisk and how we can create it if it needs to be recreated.
Initrd - OSDev Wiki
The term initrd stands for "initial ramdisk". Basically, it is simply a file loaded into memory which the OS uses as a filesystem containing stuff necessary for it to boot. Usually, initial ramdisks are used by Modular Kernels and Microkernels...
How to View, Modify and Recreate initrd.img
mv initrd.img initrd.gz. After unziping the initrd.gz file, the initrd is further in cpio 'newc' format. So extract the files from initrd using cpio 'newc' format as shown below.
initrd(4): boot loader initialized RAM disk - Linux man page
The special file /dev/initrd is a read-only block device. This device is a RAM disk that is initialized (e.g., loaded) by the boot loader before the kernel ...
The Kernel Newbie Corner: "initrd" and "initramfs... -
Almost everyone is familiar with the use of an initrd file, since most of you If you're using the GRUB bootloader, you identify which initrd image matches which kernel in your GRUB configuration file thusly
linux - The difference between initrd and initramfs? - Stack Overflow
The initrd file is read and unzipped into the device, as if you did zcat initrd | dd of=/dev/ram0 or And yes, it is still called initrd in many places although it is a initramfs, particularly in boot loaders, as for...
GitHub - scaleway/initrd: Initrd builder with qemu nbd metadata for...
Initrd on Scaleway. Ramdisk image used to boot the Scaleway servers. Components. ./Openbsd: scripts to build the Initrd for OpenBSD/Bitrig on Scaleway servers.
Opening and modifying the initrd - Alex on Linux
Introduction Few words about initrd Few words about history Back to the real thing Changing it Packing it back Booting with the new initrd. This article tells you how to look into the initrd and even modify it.
Looking forward to Linux network configuration in the initial ramdisk...
An initrd (initial ramdisk) is a small filesystem loaded during the boot process on a Linux system. One of the tasks that the initrd might be responsible for is network configuration.
Rebuild initrd Image (Linux) | :: Linux | Security | Networking
Copy and Extract initrd Image. Initrd image is normally a gzip compressed cpio archive. # file -b /tmp/initrd.img-3.4.89 ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC). Create a temp directory to work in
kernel - Why do we need initramfs and initrd - Unix & Linux Stack...
An example: I use an initrd to have an encrypted root fs, setting that up requires code that there's no point having in kernel. The "Rationale" section of the Wikipedia page on initrd has more examples.