GitHub - mariofusco/lambdaj: manipulate collections in...
manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically typed way.
Newest 'lambdaj' Questions - Stack Overflow
With lambdaj I can do something like this to get the name of a property in a refactoring-safe way. import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.on; import static ch.lambdaj.function.argument.ArgumentsFactory....
lambdaj - 1.1
lambdaj is a library that makes easier to address this issue by allowing to manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional So we need to extract all the brand from the car list. Let's do it the lambdaj way
Manipulating Collections Without Loops With lambdaj - DZone Java
lambdaj is a library that makes easier to address this issue by allowing to manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically typed way. There are 2 ideas at the base of lambdaj.
Maven Repository: com.googlecode.lambdaj » lambdaj » 2.3.3
Home » com.googlecode.lambdaj » lambdaj » 2.3.3. Lambdaj » 2.3.3. The pseudo-functional collection manipulation library. License. Apache 2.0.
Manipulating Collections Without Loops with lambdaj - CodeProject
lambdaj is a library that makes it easier to address this issue by allowing to manipulate collections in Access Collections Without Explicit Loops. The main purpose of lambdaj is to partially eliminate the...
Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and functional-style... -
Mario Fusco is a senior software engineer at Red Hat working on Drools, the JBoss rule engine. He created the open source library lambdaj, an internal Java DSL for manipulating collections in a...
Lambda Joyce (lambdaj) - Profile | Pinterest
See what Lambda Joyce (lambdaj) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.
BBCS2/Lambda - Dustloop Wiki
Хэштег #lambdaj в Твиттере
Посмотрите твиты по теме «#lambdaj» в Твиттере. RT @mariofusco: #lambdaj 2.x just got its 3000th download (non counting maven users).
Download com.googlecode.lambdaj JAR files with all dependencies
Related Artifacts. lambdaj com.googlecode.lambdaj. Download all versions of lambdaj JAR files with all dependencies.
For what value of lambda are the vectors a = î - lambdaĵ + k and...
=i^−λj^ +k^ and b. =i^−2j^ +3k^ are perpendicular to each other.
getlambdaj: Array of individuals' contribution to symmetry - lambdaj - in...
Value. lambdaj. An array of n rows of individuals' contribution to symmetry is provided. Author(s).
Java 8 in Action (豆瓣)
Mario Fusco is a senior software engineer at Red Hat working on Drools, the JBoss rule engine. He created the open source library lambdaj, an internal Java DSL for manipulating collections in a...
lambdaj version
lambdaj - This table show the minimum, maximum and average duration in milliseconds of 20 runs of 100,000 iterations of the examples below. These examples are referred to a...
lambdaj - Google Группы | Forum!forum/lambdaj
lambdaj. Показаны темы 1-20 из 101. Damian O' Neill. 21.02.14. lambdaj fluent interface collections. Mario Fusco.
Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and functional-style programming...
Mario Fusco is a senior software engineer at Red Hat working on Drools, the JBoss rule engine. He created the open source library lambdaj, an internal Java DSL for manipulating collections in a...
LambdaJ - Java, SQL and jOOQ.
Posts about LambdaJ written by lukaseder. When I started developing Lambdaj in 2007 I thought to it just as a proof-of-concept to check how far I could push Java 5. I never expected that it could...
Lambdaj (no more loops in Java) at GenevaJUG by Mario Fusco
LambdaJ library makes it easy to manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically How to leverage the LambdaJ library to have better control over language constructs involving loops; How to...
Java 8 Lambdas - A Peek Under the Hood
By leveraging these two passions, he created the open source library lambdaj with the purposes of providing an internal Java DSL for manipulating collections and for allowing a bit of functional...
linear algebra part a Flashcards | Quizlet
Ji(lambdaj). matrix with 0s everywhere apart from leading diagonal is all lambdajs and diagonal above leading diagonal is all 1s.