mimblewimble · GitHub
mimblewimble has 26 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
What Is Mimblewimble? | CoinMarketCap
Mimblewimble was the buzzword of crypto circles for a while — what exactly is this Harry Potter-inspired protocol all about? What Is Mimblewimble? How Does Mimblewimble Work?
What is Mimblewimble? Guide For Dummies
Mimblewimble is now a famous phrase in the cryptocurrencies world as well. In crypto-jargon it refers to the What is Mimblewimble? The idea has been around for decades, although the name and its...
Mimblewimble, The Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Mycryptopedia
Mimblewimble is a protocol that was put forward by an anonymous user in a Bitcoin developers chatroom by the Mimblewimble itself is the name of a spell used to tongue-tie victims in Harry Potter.
MimbleWimble complete Beginner's Guide
Mimblewimble is a blockchain privacy protocol that address privacy, scalability and fungibility. MimbleWimble complete Beginner's Guide. By Michael. April 16, 2019.
Mimblewimble explained like you're 12 | by Conor O'Higgins | Medium
Mimblewimble is a ridiculously-named technology that stops blockchains from blabbing personal information. It's named after a Harry Potter spell that stops people from spilling secrets.
Mimblewimble is the name of a whitepaper published in 2016 by a pseudonymous contributor. The paper proposes a radical restructuring of the Bitcoin protocol in order to massively improve privacy...