OpenOBEX - ObexFs
Actually ObexFS is just a thin layer wrapping a basic ObexFTP client into FUSE callbacks. Installation. You will need FUSE 2.3/2.4, OpenOBEX, the latest ObexFTP and ObexFS itself.
Obexfs Download (DEB, RPM, TGZ, TXZ, XZ)
Obexfs Download for Linux (deb, rpm, tgz, txz, xz). Download obexfs linux packages for Arch Linux, Debian, OpenMandriva, openSUSE, Slackware, Ubuntu.
ObexFS Free Download
ObexFS project is a FUSE-based filesystem using OBEX to access the memory on mobile phones. FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual...
Проект OpenNet: MAN obexfs (1) Команды и прикладные...
obexfs ObexFS uses FUSE to mount filesystems of ObexFTP capable devices. It can handle all devices that the obexftp package can handle, connected via serial cable, IrDA, blueooth or USB.
GitHub - zuckschwerdt/obexfs: ObexFS
ObexFS. Contribute to zuckschwerdt/obexfs development by creating an account on GitHub.
ObexFTP - ArchWiki | ObexFS
Note: To use ObexFS, one needs a device that provides an ObexFTP service. Mount supported phones by running: $ obexfs -b MAC_address mountpoint. Once you have finished, to unmount the device...
obexfs(1) [debian man page]
obexfs - mount filesystem of ObexFTP capabable devices. obexfs ObexFS uses FUSE to mount filesystems of ObexFTP capable devices. It can handle all devices that the obexftp package can handle
man obexfs (1): mount filesystem of ObexFTP capabable devices
obexfs ObexFS uses FUSE to mount filesystems of ObexFTP capable devices. It can handle all devices that the obexftp package can handle, connected via serial cable, IrDA, blueooth or USB.
Установка obexfs в Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian
Как установить obexfs в Ubuntu / Debian. Установка sudo apt install obexfs. Помощь.
ObexFS - FREE Download ObexFS 0.11 File Management Utilities
ObexFS project is a FUSE-based filesystem using OBEX to access the memory on mobile phones.FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a...
OpenOBEX - Browse /obexfs at
Home / obexfs. Name. Modified.
Bluetooth в Linux / Хабр
или obexfs -t /dev/rfcomm0 /media/mobile. Затем: cd /media/mobile ls. Вуаля: audio MMC(Removable) picture video.
Synthetic file system - Wikipedia
ObexFS is a FUSE-based filesystem that provides access to OBEX objects via a filesystem. Applications can work on remote objects via the OBEX protocol as if they were simply (local) files.
ObexFS v0.11 Freeware Download - ObexFS project is a FUSE-based...
ObexFS project is a FUSE-based filesystem using OBEX to access the memory on mobile phones.FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a...
UbuntuUpdates - Package "obexfs" (precise 12.04)
obexfs (0.11-1) unstable; urgency=low. * New upstream release * Bump debhelper compat level to 7 * Update to standards version no changes required * debian/control: require obexftp >= 0.22...
obexfs wont keep Bluetooth device mounted on... - Stack Overflow
so much hair pulled i am nearly bald. I am running Debian Buster on my pi 3B. bluez 5.50 obexfs, obexftp, blueman. when i run: obexfs -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX /home/pi/bluetooth. Bluetoothctl says
Linked packages : obexfs
Log in / Register. obexfs. Overview. Code. obexfs trunk series. Raring (13.04).