opposing - это... Что такое opposing?
opposing — adjective 1 opposing teams, groups, forces etc are competing, arguing, or fighting against each other: The opposing armies were Syn: antagonistic, antipathetic, antipathetical, opponent.
Opposing Synonyms, Opposing Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
Another word for opposing. Find more ways to say opposing, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
opposing - Russian translation - Linguee
The Committee notes with regret article 91 of the Criminal Code, which criminalizes "fleeing abroad or defecting to stay overseas with a view to opposing the people's administration", which is...
Opposing - definition of opposing by The Free Dictionary
Define opposing. opposing synonyms, opposing pronunciation, opposing translation, English dictionary definition of opposing. v. op·posed , op·pos·ing , op·pos·es v. tr. 1. To be or act in...
opposing - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
opposing - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. opposing is: ⓘClick the infinitive to see all available inflections.
independence from the opposing side. Gegnerfreiheit. трансп., стр. marginal strips of the opposing carriageway shoulders. Randstreifen der Gegenfahrbahn. юр. to notify the opposing party.
Opposing definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Opposing definition: Opposing ideas or tendencies are totally different from each other. | I have a friend who has the opposing view and felt that the war was immoral.
Opposing The Apparition - Posts | Facebook
Opposing The Apparition. 974 likes. Once was cool, now is dead. Check out our other projects Hi Opposing The Apparition, I'm really liking This Is War ! I'm resp...onsible for A&R for the executives...
opposing | meaning of opposing in Longman Dictionary of...
The Socialist Party has split into two opposing camps.2 AGAINST/OPPOSEopposing ideas, opinions etc are completely different from each other Throughout the negotiations Hurst and Jevons took...
Opposing Synonyms, Opposing Antonyms | Merriam-Webster...
21 synonyms and near synonyms of opposing from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 16 antonyms and near antonyms. Find another word for opposing.
What is another word for opposing? - WordHippo Thesaurus
Characteristic of, or in the manner of, an adversary. Used or intended to defend or protect. Simultaneously experiencing or expressing opposing or contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations.
opposing to the or opposing the?
opposing the vs opposing to the. A complete search of the internet has found these results Neither should this prevent the competent authorities from opposing the proposed acquisition, where...
the opposing team
In the sphere of Society, opposing the chaos of atomism, feminism, disintegration of home and When the opposing team laid down smashes at his feet, he saved them from dopping dead with...
Opposing force - Wikipedia
An opposing force (alternatively enemy force, abbreviated OPFOR) is a military unit tasked with representing an enemy, usually for training purposes in war game scenarios. The related concept of aggressor squadron is used by some air forces.
Opposing the Opposition | Dofus Wiki | Fandom
Opposing the Opposition is a quest . Formerly known as A Difficult Choice . Talk to Oto Mustam at [-26,36]. Oto Mustam wants to silence the opposition. Find the map: adversary rendez-vous. Talk to Boris at [-23,39]. You will enter a fight against 1 Boris (monster) , 1 Ilya and 1 Gary .
Opposing Definition. The meaning of Opposing - Word Panda
verb with object opposing to stand in the way of; hinder; obstruct. 1. verb with object opposing to set as an Origin of opposing. First appearance: before 1350. One of the 20% oldest English words.
Opposing The Apparition
We are Opposing The Apparition. We are a local metal band hailing from Lincoln Nebraska. We started 9/11/12, If you would like to book a show with us be sure to give a call at 1(831)...
opposing Examples - English Examples | opposing Usages and...
Those opposing the building plans were in the majority, so the building project was canceled. The government have done a U-turn and are now supporting greater European integration instead of...
Opposing | Definition of Opposing by Oxford Dictionary on...
'In the absence of reasonable cause the opponent or opposing team shall be entitled to claim the game.' 'With typical German thoroughness, Schulz and five full-time staff workers in Dortmund have...
opposing | Definition of opposing by Webster's Online Dictionary
Looking for definition of opposing? opposing explanation. Define opposing by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream...
opposing from english
opposing — adjective 1 opposing teams, groups, forces etc are competing, arguing, or fighting against each other: The opposing armies were already preparing for war. |
RhymeZone: opposing definitions
Example: "The opposing sector of the same muscle group". adjective: characterized by active These concerns have created a compromise position of not opposing the replacement of existing nuclear...
opposing team - определение - английский
If one team has the opposing team's flag on their territory they may be tagged because they have Should the player who called "thunee" be caught by the opposing team or by his partner (which is...
What does opposing mean? | A Member Of The STANDS4 Network
Definition of opposing in the Definitions.net dictionary. Information and translations of opposing in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.