(PDF) Paternal leakage and mtDNA heteroplasmy in Rhipicephalus...
Paternal leakage of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and heteroplasmy have been recently described in several animal species. In arthropods, by searching in the Scopus database...
Paternal mtDNA transmission - Wikipedia
(Redirected from Paternal leakage). In genetics, paternal mtDNA transmission and paternal mtDNA inheritance refer to the incidence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) being passed from a father to his offspring.
Paternal leakage and mtDNA heteroplasmy in Rhipicephalus spp. ticks
Paternal leakage of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and heteroplasmy have been recently described in several animal species. In arthropods, by searching in the Scopus database, we found only 23...
Paternal Leakage and Heteroplasmy of Mitochondrial... | Genetics
Paternal leakage would allow the possibility of mitochondrial heteroplasmy (within-individual cytoplasmic genetic diversity) when it leads to some degree of biparental inheritance.
Paternal leakage of organelles can improve adaptation to... | bioRxiv
Nevertheless, paternal leakage often occurs in plants, fungi, protists and animals, and this leaves the possibility that heteroplasmy can in some contexts be advantageous.
Paternal Leakage | SpringerLink
Paternal Leakage. Reference work entry. First Online: 16 July 2016. Genetic evidence for human paternal transmission of mitochondria is rare (Schwartz M, Vissing J 2002 N Engl J Med 347:576).
Evidence for Paternal Leakage in Hybrid Periodical Cicadas...
Paternal leakage is of particular interest in the periodical cicadas of North America (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.) because mitochondrial markers have been central in evolutionary studies of these...
python 3.x - Understanding Data Leakage and getting... - Stack Overflow
I have read an article on data leakage. In a hackathon there are two sets of data, train data on which participants train their algorithm and test set on which performance is measured.
Paternal Leakage | Technology Trends
Paternal Leakage. Some articles on paternal: Paternal Mt DNA Transmission - In Animals - In Humans ... genetics, there is debate over whether or not paternal mtDNA transmission is possible ...
Paternal leakage and heteroplasmy... preview & related info | Mendeley
When leakage did occur, the paternal contribution ranged from 0.5% in some offspring (i.e., biparental inheritance resulting in a low level of heteroplasmy) to 100% in others.
Paternal leakage, heteroplasmy, and the evolution of plant... | PubFacts
However, cases of paternal transmission are known and are perhaps more common than once thought. This review will consider recent evidence, both direct and indirect, of paternal transmission (leakage)...
Paternal Leakage Sustains the Cytoplasmic Polymorphism Underlying...
Paternal leakage enhances the stability of joint cytonuclear polymorphism by reducing the chance that a CMS allele is lost by drift.
Possibilities Of Recombination Or Paternal Leakage - Forensic Science
1999). Paternal inheritance of mtDNA has been reported in mice (Gyllensten et al. 1991). The Hagelberg and Eyre-Walker papers created quite a stir in the mtDNA forensic and population genetic...
Best BIO306-Exam 1 Chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet
In addition, a significant percentage of paternal leakage may occur. Nevertheless, when reciprocal crosses yield different outcomes, an organellar mode of inheritance is possibly at work.
Critical experimental test of the possibility of "paternal leakage... | PNAS
The analysis failed to detect any paternal mtDNA and sets an upper limit of paternal leakage at about 1 molecule per 25,000 per generation in this system.
Different degree of paternal mtDNA leakage... : Internet Archive
We checked paternal leakage in inter- and intraspecific crosses in Drosophila and found little evidence for this hypothesis. In addition, we have observed a higher level of leakage among male than among...
Hybridisation, paternal leakage and mitochondrial DNA linearization in...
The results are best explained by hybridisation, paternal leakage and mitochondrial DNA linearization. This unusual observation may provide an explanation for mtDNA outliers in animal population studies.
Sexual conflict explains the extraordinary diversity of mechanisms...
The model treats paternal leakage as an evolvable trait. Our analysis suggests that the widespread occurrence of paternal leakage and prevalence of heteroplasmy are natural outcomes of this sexual...
"Paternal Leakage and Heteroplasmy of Mitochondrial Genomes in..."
Paternal leakage would allow the possibility of mitochondrial heteroplasmy (within-individual Recently there has been increased appreciation of the potential role of paternal leakage and...
Paternal leakage of mt DNA in the Great tit (Parus major) - ФНЦ...
Paternal leakage of mt DNA in the Great tit (Parus major). Kvist L., Martens J., Nazarenko A., Orell M. В журнале Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Can paternal leakage maintain sexually antagonistic polymorphism in...
Our analysis shows how paternal leakage can dampen the evolution of deleterious male effects associated with predominant maternal inheritance of cytoplasm, potentially explaining why 'mother's...
A Level Economics - Injections & Leakages - YouTube
What are injections and leakages?In this video, we will understand what these two terms mean, and how they run a macro-economy. Visit www.revisealevel.co.uk...
There is a phenomenon called paternal leakage in which... - Brainly.com
If paternal leakage is assumed to occur in most matings, how would it change our interpretation of studies of mitochondrial DNA in human ancestors and in groups of different modern humans?
Evidence for Paternal Leakage in Hybrid Periodical Cicadas... | Paperity
We found evidence of paternal leakage in both reciprocal hybrid crosses in all of these samples. The relative difficulty of detecting paternal mtDNA in the youngest eggs and ease of detecting leakage in...