ReSharper C++ : The Visual Studio Extension for C++ Development
ReSharper C++ highlights code issues in the editor, provides quick-fixes and C++ code refactorings. Create glitch-free games faster with ReSharper C++ and its unique knowledge of Unreal...
ReSharper: The Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers by...
ReSharper provides on-the-fly code analysis and eliminates errors in C#, VB.NET, XAML, ASP.NET, and XML. How ReSharper helps Visual Studio users.
ReSharper - Visual Studio Marketplace
ReSharper is a popular developer productivity extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. It automates most of what can be automated in your coding routines. It finds compiler errors, runtime errors...
JetBrains ReSharper C++ (@resharper_cpp) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from JetBrains ReSharper C++ (@resharper_cpp). Visual Studio extension for C++ developers. Inspired by @ReSharper. Made by @JetBrains.
c# - ReSharper for C++ - Stack Overflow
Resharper and Visual Assist are nice to have around -- I occasionally flip on CodeRush for some of it's better refactorings, but most of the time leave it off because Visual Assist X's code completion...
ReSharper C++ - Visual Studio Extension for C++ Developers | ESL
How ReSharper C++ Helps Visual Studio Users. Analyze and improve code quality. ReSharper C++ highlights code issues in the editor and provides quick-fixes to improve code in one way or another.
GitHub - AJIOB/Resharper-help: Refactoring with JetBrains...
Refactoring with JetBrains Resharper (for C# and C++). Resharper help или как пользоваться плагином от JetBrains в Microsoft Visual Studio.
ReSharper C++ Reviews 2021: Details, Pricing, & Features | G2
ReSharper C++ is designed to make Visual Studio a better IDE for C++ developers, providing code analysis, quick-fixes, search and navigation, smart code completion, refactorings, and others.
Is there a resharper like extension for Vs Code and C#? : vscode
I got used to not having to think about imports at all, or indents hardly, or any of that, and I was wondering if there was something that added even half of what resharper does in vs code?
ReSharper C++ Pricing, Reviews and Features... -
ReSharper C++ starts analyzing code as soon as you open your project in Visual Studio editor, and keeps reanalyzing files as you edit them, detecting errors and possible problems before you even...
ReSharper C++
ReSharper C++ makes Microsoft Visual Studio a much better IDE with refactorings, navigation, code inspections, quick-fixes, code generation and more productivity features for C++ development.
24 Resharper Tips - CodeProject
I firmly believe ReSharper is the best thing to happen to .NET since Visual Studio (NCrunch is a close second). In evangelizing it, I managed to convince my program to purchase copies for every developer.
resharper C# (CSharp) примеры использования - HotExamples
C# (CSharp) resharper примеры использования. JetBrains.ReSharper.Daemon.SolutionAnalysis.SolutionAnalysisManager. saManager
Visual Studio with ReSharper is slow - JetBrains ReSharper Support
ReSharper may conflict with the other Visual Studio addins and extensions - in case of slowdowns, please try to disable the other addins one-by-one and check if it helps to speed up VS with ReSharper.
Visual Studio Code - Migrating from ReSharper
Another functionality that I for granted with Resharper was being able to generate constructors, properties, and overrides with Alt+Insert. VSC has a similar "insert snippet" functionality.