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List of scientific journals - Wikipedia
The following is a partial list of scientific journals. There are thousands of scientific journals in publication, and many more have been published at various points in the past.
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A leader in scientific publishing with over 10,000 articles published in 30+ open access journals. Science Publications is pleased to announce the launch of a new open access journal, Journal of...
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Scientific Publications — Publ.Science
Scientific Publications — Publ.Science is absolute leaders in the field of scientometrics and scientific publications in the CIS.
Scientific Reports | Publish with us
Scientific Reports is an online multidisciplinary, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. Publish with Scientific Reports. We're an open-access journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed...
Scientific Publications - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Scientific publications have only been mentioned since the beginning of the 20th century. Most of the scientific publications on digital games and health have focused on their potential for harming...
Scientific Publications | National Center for Advancing Translational...
Peer-reviewed scientific publications that feature research supported by NCATS programs and initiatives. Scientific Publications. NCATS E-Newsletter.
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Scientific publication - RationalWiki
Scientific publications are where results and knowledge derived by science are shared and taught to others in the world. Results are no use to anybody if they are not made available to other experts, to be discussed, critically evaluated and built upon.
Publications | EU Science Hub
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes most scientific publications, providing EU citizens, governments and businesses with free digital access to official information and data from JRC research.
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Scientific Publications. Regeneron encourages staff to publish their research in leading scientific journals.
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A scientific publication, describing a way to improve microscopy. This repository hosts everything you need to reproduce our results. Read the publication here: https...
Database of Scientific Journals
Scientific Journals represent the collaborative efforts of many scientists and scholars from various All the scholarly publications follow peer review process in selecting research publications where the...
Scientific Publications
Scientific Publications. For us patent analysis is not just a job—it is a passion! Publication: Created for and published by the European Patent Office. Evaluating the Risk of Patent Infringement...
Science Publishing Group Journals: List of Scientific and Academics...
More than 200 open access, online and peer-reviewed journals are included in Science Publishing Group, covering Biology and Life Sciences, Biology and Life Sciences, Materials, Computer...
ACS Publishing Center
Mastering the Art of Scientific Publication. The ACS Style Guide. ACS Author University. Title of one of your ACS Publications. Journal of the American Chemical Society. New citations.
Scientific Publications - Home | Facebook
Scientific Publications. 1,050 likes. Education. See more of Scientific Publications on Facebook.
Science News, Articles, and Information - Scientific American
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
eScientific Publishers | Scientific Publications | International Journals
EScientific Publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, EScientific...
Scientific publications 2021
Scientific publications 2021. Bioinformatics has become essential to convert biological questions into answers. Discover the breadth of our scientists' work and contributions through their publications.
Scientific Publications | NICD
Scientific publications are publications consisting of research results and knowledge derived by scientists, shared and referenced by others across the world. They communicate research findings...
Лженаука и аферисты. Фальшивые научные журналы / Хабр
Austrian Scientific Publication House. Avanti Avens Publishing Group. Blue Apple Publications. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication.
Journals | Science | AAAS
The Open Access journal, Ultrafast Science , published in association with XIOPM, publishes cutting-edge and emerging topics in ultrafast science with broad interest from scientific communities.
Scientific Publications
Scientific Publications. Filter by use Scientific Reports, (2020), Vol. 10 (1). de Jonge J, et al. H7N9 influenza split vaccine with SWE oil-in-water adjuvant greatly enhances cross-reactive humoral...
Library - Scientific Publications and Presentations | PMI Science
Read scientific publications, presentations, and articles about our smoke-free product development and testing.
Scientific Publications
US Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5038 (2008). Cyanotoxin ELISA Testing in Delaware. Edythe Humphries, Katie Painter, and Ben Pressly.
Scientific Publications
About the Ensembl Project. Scientific Publications. Publications. Sarah E Hunt, William McLaren, Laurent Gil, Anja Thormann, Helen Schuilenburg, Dan Sheppard, Andrew Parton, Irina M Armean...