What are zk-SNARKs? | Zcash
zk-SNARKs are a novel form of zero-knowledge cryptography which allow for private Zcash transactions. These transactions can be fully encrypted on the blockchain, yet still be verified by...
zkSNARKs in a nutshell | Ethereum Foundation Blog
SNARKs are short for succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge. For zkSNARKs, there is usually a setup phase and after that a single message from the prover to the verifier.
What are zk-SNARKs?
zk-SNARKS and zk-STARKS Explained This piece comes from Binance Academy and goes even farther in explaining the difference between zk-SNARKS and zk-STARKS.
zk-SNARK Definition
Zk-SNARK is a zero-knowledge proof protocol used in encryption, and is an acronym that stands for "Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge."
What Are Zk-SNARKs and How Do They Affect Digital Privacy?
Modeling zk-SNARKs for the mainstream. The technology underscoring zk-SNARKs falls under the umbrella of zero-knowledge cryptography — the concept of one party proving to another party that...
What is zk-SNARKs? An Introduction to this Privacy Protocol
zk-SNARKs works on what is known as zero-knowledge proofs. Zero knowledge proofs have been directly promoted by famed former CIA contractor Edward Snowden in a Twitter post late last year.
What is the use of Zk-Snarks?
How do ZkSnarks work? Functionality of ZkSnarks. How to make zero knowledge proofs non-interactive? What is the use of Zk-Snarks?
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof - Wikipedia
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs— also known as NIZK, zk-SNARK, zk-STARK—are zero-knowledge proofs that require no interaction between the prover and verifier.
zk-SNARKs Explained - Mycryptopedia
zk-SNARKs are a novel form of zero-knowledge cryptography that is intended to enhance the privacy of users transacting on the Zcash blockchain. With cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin...
From zk-SNARKs to zk-STARKs: Upgrading Zero-Knowledge Proofs
A zk-SNARK is a zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge. When applied to a cryptocurrency, it means you can hide all of the transaction data. This includes the sender address...
Introduction to zk-SNARKs with Examples | ConsenSys Media
Two zk-SNARKs will be used to send tokens from one account to another, one proof created by the sender and one by the receiver. Normally in a token contract for a transaction of size value to be valid...